Filters for a Better Future - Bucket Ministry South Africa

The Bucket Ministry South Africa had the first Distribution of bucket filter system which was conducted in one of the local church’s that was willing to be part of the ministry by opening their church premises to the ministry to distribute Bucket filter system to 30 homes. The days before we had a training session with the volunteers that were interested and excited about what the ministry is doing to serve the community of Jesus village.


The recipients came to collect their bucket filter and I got to; teach, demonstrate how to backflush, and share the Gospel. One person opened her heart, and believed in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. The most important thing to take away is that our first distribution of buckets was successful even though we had been given limited time to be in the church premises and recipients didn't show up in numbers as expected but more than 50% of recipients were able to come and collect their bucket filters.

For the remaining buckets we did homes distribution which taught us a lesson that more time is spent and no commitment or effort is shown by the recipients which will make the following recipients for the second distribution to be lazy because of the home distribution. Then after a week we began our first follow-ups on all the recipients to check whether the families has been using the bucket filter, if not we encouraged them to and continued with sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. During the follow-ups five people believed and gave their lives to Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour also some were discipled.

Along the way we were also doing the family assessments in zones 3 and 4 which went well until we completed the whole Jesus village and managed to assess 1762 homes in total. After the first follow-ups we skipped three weeks to do the second follow-ups and follow-up three's after three weeks after second follow-ups.

This week we're reflecting on the work we have done from the family assessments, distribution day and first follow-ups taking notes also correcting the approach when conducting follow-ups and had a meeting with pastor that can be a part of us to empower our spiritual aspects with deeper knowledge and experience in that side. Now we are planning on the second follow-ups starting on the coming Monday as distribution day later this month.


Current Statistics:

Households Assessed: 1762

Total People: 11 359

Average Household Size: 4


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