Genesis SafePlace
SafePlace has been operational for just under 5 years now. We have seen how God is using this project to reach those in our community that face challenges and injustices that no person should ever face. “Break my heart for what breaks yours”. I’m pretty sure we have all sung those words in Church before. The questipn is, do we really want God to do that?
I feel that there should be a disclaimer at the beginning of that song, from child abuse, domestic violence, rape, gang violence, drug abuse, to an old Gogo in a leaking shack, a child who hasn’t had a meal in days, a woman in labour desperate to get to the hospital but no hope of an ambulance coming to assist.
These are just some of the things that our SafePlace team face on a daily basis. I had someone ask me the other day how many cases we have every month at SafePlace?
Let me share with you the statistics for December 2023 - Jan 2024 - 132 cases.
I want to say thank you to those who have partnered with this amazing project. we see the need to grow this service into other areas so if this is something close to your heart, then please get in touch.
January 2024